Patterns of Fashion : 1560-1620
Patterns of Fashion : 1660-1860
patterns of fashion: 1860-1940
patterns of fashion: 4 accessoires
The Cut of Women’s Clothes, 1600-1930
The Cut of men’s Clothes, 1600-1930
corsets and crinolines
authentic victorian fashion pattern
The basics of corset building
The Tudor Tailor
Period Costume for stage and screen
Historic Costumes And How to Make Them
Fashions Of The Gilded Age: Undergarments, Bodices, Skirts, Overskirts, Polonaises, And Day Dresses 1877-1882
Fashions Of The Gilded Age: Undergarments, Bodices, Skirts, Overskirts, Polonaises, And Day Dresses 1877-1882
Patterns for Theatrical Costumes: Garments, Trims, and Accessories from Ancient Egypt to 1915
59 Authentic Turn-Of-The-Century Fashion Patterns
60 Civil War Era fashion patterns
catalogue:à télécharger ou à consulter ici :
Le costume au moyen âge
Dangerous Liaison Fournitures of the XVIIIth century (très beaux costumes à l’intérieur dropbox herunterladen! )
Fashion of the Habsbourg era, autria-hungary
From Queen to Empress, Victorian Dress
MAdame Grès
La Belle Epoque
Medieval Tailor Assistant
Orientalism vision of the East in Western Dress (sublime celui ci)
Napoleon Costume from the Revolution to Empire
The Ceaseless Century Three Hundred Years of Eighteenth Century Costume
The Eighteenth Century Woman
Waist Not The Migration of the Waist 1800 1960
A Separate Sphere 1877-1922
Livres documentations
Style & Splendor download intro. The Wardrobe of Queen Maud of Norway 1896-1938
Dress To Kill Royal Navy
Fashion: A History from the 18th to the 20th Century
Historical Fashion in Details 18eme
Historical Fashion in Details 19eme
Le costume Français
Costume in Details: Women’s Dress, 1730-1930
The Mode in Hats and Headdress: A Historical Survey With 198 Plate
The Mode in Costume: A Historical Survey With 202 Plates
Techniques: réaliser son patron
draping period costumes
A Practical Guide to Costume Mounting
Turn-Of-The-Century Fashion Patterns and Tailoring Techniques
Modelisme mode 1
Modélismemode 2
Modélismemode 3: moulage
Modélisme mode 4 finitions
Modélisme mode : robe de marié
autres techniques
couture sewing technique
The Little Hat Making Book
The Little Bodice Book: A Workbook on Period Bodices
The Art of Manipulating Fabric
Encyclopédie de la broderie au ruban : les fleurs
Broder perles et paillettes
La corseterie
corsets historical patterns and techniques
the little corset book
The Basics of Corset Building: A Handbook for Beginners
BRUNA, Denis, La mécanique des dessous